Jenn Leigh


Jenn Leigh

Jenn Leigh


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  • Member Since

    Jul 2016

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  • Born

    8 September, 1981

  • Profession

    Executive Assistant


Jenn Leigh is an Administrative Professional by day and a domestic engineer by night with a splash of author when the time is right. She is married with two children. When not wrangling her kids and people in her profession, Jenn likes to read, write, go to movies and play sports. She plays soccer, volleyball and flag football on a regular basis.

Jenn has always had a knack for writing, but admitted to being scared of the process and as a result had tamped down her desire to write until recently. When a story needs to come out, it just makes itself known, and thus started Jenn on her journey to become an author. Her goal is not fame or fortune, just for readers to enjoy the story, just as much as she enjoyed writing it.

Jenn Leigh Books

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